Bến Tre marks the next stop on the “Our Better Angels” project, dedicated to evaluating children with disabilities. Held on December 14th and 15th, 2024, at the Bến Tre Provincial School for Special Education, the event successfully assessed 157 children.
Medical Examination Process
Children and their parents waited in a check in room before their appointments. Children with hearing impairments were directed to the audiology room, while those with developmental disabilities visited two rooms: the psychology clinic and the pediatric clinic.

Psychology Clinic
In the psychology clinic, children were evaluated by lecturers from the Department of Special Education at the University of Pedagogy in Ho Chi Minh City. Parents also received guidance and advice on educational pathways, including intervention strategies, recommended teaching methods, and ways to support and accompany their children’s learning journey.

Pediatric Clinic
After completing their evaluations, children proceeded to the pediatric clinic, where doctors from Ho Chi Minh City conducted general health check-ups and provided advice on appropriate nutrition and caregiving plans for parents.

Every Child Deserves Love
Every child, regardless of their abilities, deserves love and care to grow into a good person. Through this initiative, we hope to raise greater awareness and attention for these children, especially from parents, who play a key role in nurturing and educating them.